Alcohol Addiction

Recovering from alcohol addiction isn’t easy. If it were, you wouldn’t be contacting us.

Don’t give up, though, because we’re here to help you through this difficult time. In fact, our help is way more than words. We understand your frustration, your grief.

We understand because our entire careers have been spent in direct contact with teens or young adults with severe alcohol dependency. Many of us in this field are in the “been there, done that” mode. We literally feel your pain. That empathy coupled with our training and experience enable us to provide you with an excellent recovery and rehabilitation program.Alcohol Abuse

We also know what it’s like to face difficult situations, but we also know the strength and enery that come from facing those problems from a scritural and Christian perspective. We know how important it is to not abandon your faith during difficult times.

The person who completes any drug and alcohol rehab program will be starting a journey towards recovery that will have some rough times. We know that after detoxification some difficult symptoms may appear.

  • The inability to think clearly might appear
  • Memory problems could occur
  • Emotional overreaction or numbness might occur
  • Sleep disorders may develop
  • Physical coordination problems might occur
  • Sensitivity to stress could happen

These Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS) are chronic during addiction withdrawal, and may even occur to some extent during the rest of the addict’s life. That’s not an encouraging thing to hear, but it does point out the necessity of finding a treatment program that addresses the entire set of issues faced by the addict. It also amplifies the importance of an effective aftercare program.

Facing those difficulties becomes much easier with strong family and church support. The scripturally based counseling the addict receives during treatment also provides a strong, continuing foundation for facing those difficulties with the will to overcome them.

Many of our students have come to us from shorter-term wilderness or primary care facilities. While the shorter-term programs can help in the initial detoxification portion and begin the process of recovery, only a continuing care program like SCA can really develop the life skills needed for continuing recovery.

We will find a Christian-based program that will treat the whole person. Our approach is to deal with the entire complex series of issues that students bring with them. We do this because doctors, psychiatrists and treatment professionals universally agree that an addict’s best hope is to participate in long-term, integrated programs that deal with the “whole person.”

We take seriously the scripture that says we are to “…love God with our total mind, body and spirit.”

Remember, we know what you’re going through. Many of us have been right where your son is now. We also know that the SCA program has an excellent success rate, and as we work with you and your son, his chance of living a sober and successful life will be greatly increased.

For immediate help in finding the right program to help in alcohol addiction call us at 1-208-610-3044